thank you.

It's never been
easier to say
thank you.

Chasdei Lev is proud to introduce Thank Your Teacher, an appreciation platform where parents and talmidim can show their Hakaras Hatov to their Rebbeim and Moros in a financial way. All funds are sent directly to the selected Rebbi or Morah, along with your personal note of gratitude.

Private Giving

Log in and create a password for your own easy gifting account


Submit your direct payment without having to remember to write and send a check


All your children's schools and teachers in one straightforward giving portal

1. Select the school of your choice

2. Select your Rebbi or Morah

3. Enter your gift and message

About Us

Chasdei Lev’s mission is to give back to our Rebbeim, teachers and their families in appreciation for their tremendous devotion to our children. We strive to ensure that the Rebbeim of our communities are able to go into Yom Tov with peace of mind. Yom Tov on any budget is expensive, and for Rebbeim with large families on a typical Rebbe’s salary, it can be daunting.
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Rebbaim & Moros
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Happy Volunteers
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